New Printable Available - Food and Activity tracker (for weight watchers) - TLC Mom

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

New Printable Available - Food and Activity tracker (for weight watchers)

I've been working on this design and decided to have it match the first two printables I made available to everyone. I'm really loving the color mix and want to continue using this specific design theme  for my free printables.

The new printable is a weight watchers food and activity tracker. I have been really wanting to track what I eat and frankly tracking electronically, while convenient I just don't find I have the same kind of accountability. So I wanted to make something that would bring me back to when I first started the program roughly 5 years ago. I also did some research to make sure I wasn't dating my tracker.

Hopefully this tracker can help you on your way to a healthier you. Stay tuned for a measurements tracker in the coming weeks. I'm hoping to have a decent collection for a fitness journal. If you have any suggestions on worksheets you'd like to see please feel free to suggest it.

Download Available HERE
These worksheets are for personal use ONLY. Not for re-sale.
©TLC Mom

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