Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Path to getting a Diagnosis: EDS and Chiari
10:17 AM0 Comments
First let me say that this can be a hard road for many for those going through it and the loved one's being there along the way.Perhaps the hardest part for me has been feeling overwhelmed that there seemed to be one issue after another. To the point that I was hesitant to call my Dr with a new issue. I didn't want to be seen as a hypochondriac.So Let's start at the beginning shall we? After my daughter was born I had to have an embelica hernia...
Reading Time:
4 Min
Hello Life! Hello Love! Hello to new Paths
9:29 AM0 Comments
Well it's been a hot minute since I've been on here hasn't it?! 4 years since my daughter is born and 2 years since my son was born! Yep we were blessed with another little one :) As a mom of 2 I find I'm still learning new things every day. from the what's this rash to "Will the terrible two's ever end? Because I think we've got a Fiesty Four!" TLC Mom was born out of a need to blog my daughters life. But in reality TLC Mom to me is now...
Reading Time:
4 Min

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

3:45 PM0 Comments
Things I've learned since becoming a mother. It's scary and full of unknowns: The first day(well night) they put my daughter in my arms and she nestled in as she breast fed. It was euphoric. She was here after all those years, all those tears our little angel was here. Then the fear set in. Now I had to provide for this little being keep her safe from the many dangers that awaited her. The first week I was terrified of the night. I know it sounds...
Reading Time:
4 Min

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Spring has sprung!
11:50 AM0 Comments
Spring is here!! I'm an all seasons kind of gal who doesn't normally get so vocal about spring arriving. But after this cold winter filled with mounds of snow I'm a bit delighted to go outside with my family without having to bundle everything. This weekend was absolutely divine. So much so we were able to finally get to work outside on some yard work that was so desperately needed. Anastasia played with her mega blocks and on occasion rushed...
Reading Time:
4 Min

Monday, March 23, 2015

Teething and Photography
9:33 AM0 Comments
Did I ever mention how much teething bites (no pun intended). Poor girl is getting her bottom molars in and you can just tell she's in so much discomfort. The way she moves her jaw, the non stop drooling and irritability.It's one of those things you just want to hurry up and be over with so they aren't in so much pain. I keep telling myself this will soon pass and I know it will. But even through her discomfort she finds ways to brighten your day....
Reading Time:
4 Min

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Dissapearing 4 patch quilt design
11:58 AM0 Comments
I've been hankering to make a quilt. For a bit I wasn't sure who I'd make the quilt for then it dawned on me, I have yet to make anything for us and our bedroom. SO I set out on a bit of a search with pinterest's help to figure out what design I think would look best. Then came the even harder part, the color theme. I have such a hard time visualizing the colors all together in a finished quilt. So while looking on and adding things...
Reading Time:
4 Min

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Valentines Day Quote Free Printout
12:01 PM0 Comments
I wanted to show our appreciation to Anastasia's Daycare Provider. So in my pinterest searches I found this great idea and quote. "It takes a big heart to help shape little minds". I'll be using the design I made that I'm making available to you today (Sorry it's just shy of Valentines day everyone) This can be used for any occasion really :). I'll blog about what I've done with the print once I have everything together. Download Here  This...
Reading Time:
4 Min
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