Ramblings - TLC Mom

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Where to start?I've been a busy bee for this past month. I haven't been crafting up a storm but in our defense we've done a ton of traveling and are now looking to buy a home! More details to be shared as that's an entirely different post on it's own.

Anastasia is such a budding little girl. She impresses us daily and always manages to make us laugh especially when we need it most. I know i've said this before but she was worth the fight. I didn't realize 'how' worth the fight she was until I met her. I know that sounds odd but since having her there have been some realizations. One of them is how much more the miscarriages hurt my heart. It's a truly odd feeling as it was something I never really expected. It's a different kind of grief then before.

I think seeing her and caring for this little human being puts a face on just what we lost with her siblings. I also logically realize without loosing them Anastasia would not be with us today. It's a catch 22 and I know I couldn't have them all (Physically impossible). I had a good cry the other day some of it was that sadness of her siblings but a lot of it was this overwhemling greatfulness that came over me. Through my puffy tear filled eyes my daughter looked at me and just smiled. Holy crap kid.. thanks for causing niagra falls in our living room.

I've been a tad stressed out between us looking for a home, her bump (another post) and having to look for a new daycare provider my head has needless to say been cluttered. I will say that I'm so glad that while looking for a new daycare provider we've found that NYS requires all licensed providers to have a policy stating all children must be vaccinated. I realize there are work arounds but it does put my mind at ease. I know in schools it'll be a different play ground all together and I can't keep her in this bubble. Nor do I want to. But for right now I want to be safe and then when it's school time hope the shots have given her the appropriate immunities should anything drastic go through the schools.

In a few short days Anastsaia will be 6 months old and I've been working away on her photo shoot outfit. It's soo cute and I'll post a tutorial when it's done. I made one last night and I love it but I have a few mistakes I want to correct and use a slightly different fabric. So hopefully I'll have some 6 month photos to share for next weekend. Excited for the shoot and hoping the weather holds out :) I mean somethings gotta give with all this cold weather in MAY! Did you hear that mother earth MAY and it's still cold out! Come on, get your act together... please ;).

Overall there are some exciting and nerve wracking things happening to our family. Big steps, huge chapters to be written. Can't wait to see how it turns out!


  1. Hi! We think our three month old daughter has one on her forehead. Have any changes been made since you posted last?

    1. Kteede, I'm sorry you are having to deal with this. The doctors are still keeping an eye on everything. I have today given an update since our pediatric surgeon visit. I hope this can be of some help as we're still navigating these waters with her bumps.


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