5 months! - TLC Mom

Sunday, April 13, 2014

5 months!

Out of all the months, this month just flew by. It seems like yesterday I was just putting up her 4 month post. In terms of development I think this month was a slow and steady pace which is expected at least from my standpoint.

New things your doing / Like:
You love your dog. He is coming up to you and always giving you kisses. Where most kids would shriek because of all the face touching you grab his snout and willfully accept more. You are starting to really laugh. Before it was sparse but this month is really when it took off.

You giggle when we blow raspberries on your belly and when the dog comes over and kisses you.

You're also starting to really assert yourself when you want attention and when you don't. There are times that you just want to lay down and don't want to be picked up and walked around while others, it's a must.

We have dubbed you the bottle holding queen, because we can :). You've been holding your bottle for 2 months now. When you were 3 months it was very on and off with some assistance. Now you're going full feeds with your tiny hands guiding the bottle to and fro.

This month we started signing, mostly just 'milk' but we're starting to notice that you get more excited with this visual cue the more we're signing. I think you're starting to know what it means. I don't expect you to fully grasp or really relay that sign until 6 months. But we'll see what this month has in store.

You love this YouTube play list I made. It's all cover songs and are full of such beautiful singers. It truly captivates and calms you whenever we put it on. Something tells me you may be a bit of a music enthusiast when you grow up. Just a hunch but nothing has ever seemed to grab your attention and sooth you like music does.

We also have you in your jumpero. In this you've learned how to rotate yourself to the different stations. Proud mommy moment when I noticed that!

You Dislike:
Nap time? This one is touch and go with no real rhyme or reason. Sometimes you'll go to sleep without so much as a fuss while other times you fight every second of it. Probably our fault and the difference between putting you down just as your tired and putting you down as your over tired. Honestly you're a very happy baby but I'm sure we'll learn more of your dislikes as the months progress.

You had your first hotel stay in Livingston NJ for a week while mommy had a work meeting offsite. Daddy came along and helped watch you so that we could all be together as a family. "Thank you daddy!".

After that you met your Great Aunt and Uncle Frank in Long Island. Both really enjoyed your cheerful disposition. Almost everyone compliments on how you are as a baby but most of all how beautiful you are <3

Your Aunt Savannah had her little boy. Your cousin. You'll learn that family isn't always defined by the blood you share, but by the bond you have in your hearts. This is probably when I noticed you weren't so small any more. Putting you next to Easton just was a reality check of how quick your growing up and just how much we've seen you blossom in 5 months alone. You gave mommy a beautiful birthday card and helped me open gifts. Grammy and Grandpa also brought your Easter present over. A beautiful bunny and 2 fabric books that you love to chew to help with your teething.

Misc Thoughts:
Winter is still holding on. I cannot wait until this weather turns nicer.  I am excited to get you in the stroller and do some walking with you, Cordova and Daddy.

Months 1 through 5 (click to enlarge)

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