A Happy but Sick baby girl - TLC Mom

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Happy but Sick baby girl

You wouldn't know it by this video but our little girl is starting to get sick. It started last Thursday and has slowly started to get worse. She had her 2 month check up and was supposed to get shots. Instead the doctor took a listen to her lungs and said she's starting to get something bronchial and that it's viral. So now were on the watch out for RSV and any little indication of her getting worse we'll be heading right back to the doctors. Today she's coughing a bit more according to S but her temperature is staying at a nice low level. She's still eating like a champ so we'll again just keep a close eye on things and when needed we'll go back in and see if there's any medication she needs. Despite all of that our little girl is just smiling ear to ear and seems (so far) to be ok with being stuffed up and having a cough.

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