2 months - TLC Mom

Friday, January 10, 2014

2 months

Today you are two months old. Where this past month went I'll never know. It truly flew by with the holidays and with the knowledge that I was going back to work.

This month you started and Like:
Cooing, following people around, you seen to really respond to mommy and daddy's voice when you hear us your eyes just glue to us. Sometimes you love to lay down flat and do your own bicycle kicks, at times I think you cry because you want to lay flat. Best of all is seeing you smile every morning and night. You're also now in daycare with your aunt Savannah and loving every minute. You do this adorable thing with your wrists when you stretch where they almost quiver. Your neck muscles are so so strong not to mention your leg strength. You can easily lift yourself up with your legs. Grandpa D was just amazed over the Christmas holidays just how strong your legs were. You definitely take after mommy in that regard. Bath time is one that you seem to really love. You get your legs going and arms so fast. It looks like your trying to dance in the water. You don't mind the splashing on your face that results from this water dancing. Overall you're a very happy little girl in the bath tub until we take you out. Then you're not to happy.

You dislike
Gas pains (who doesn't) and sometimes your soother (daddy and I haven't figured out if this is a blessing or a curse.) You hate being strapped down this means you have a love hate relationship with your car seat. You love it because it means car rides which you seem to go quickly to sleep once your done fussing from the strap issue. We have noticed however since having you in your car seat daily you're in some respects getting a little more used to it.

Highlights of the Month:
This past month you experienced your first Christmas, Santa even came to visit you at our home a few days earlier. Christmas day we spent with family then traveled to Canada. You did such a wonderful job traveling, we had a few stops to feed and to change your diaper but overall you did such a great job for having to travel for 8 hours. You also unfortunately are battling your first cold. As congested as you are you still remain one happy baby.

Misc thoughts:
When I look in your eyes I find myself wondering about the women you'll become who you'll want to be and aspire to be like. What paths in life await you, while we are there to support and cheer you on.

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