Ch - ch- changes - TLC Mom

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ch - ch- changes

Before I had a child I was a very very impatient person. Something that I actually worried would be an issue with me once we had our DD.  I worried that my impatiences would make me a bad mother and ruin what should be a great relationship with my daughter.

I wasn't prepared for what this little angel would do to me. Before she was born a crying baby would either make my heart bleed (if it was hurt) or make me cringe if I listened to it for a long time. It would just get to me big time. If I was handed a baby and it would start to cry I'd immediately hand him/her off to their parents. I would start to feel anxious and just didn't feel like I'd be able to calm them down. I would feel very overwhelmed and then the impatiences would hit. This is the one thing that worried me about being a mother big time.

Now that my daughter is here I'm amazed how parenthood changes everything. When my daughter cries I don't get anxious (Well I did in that first few days home without the hosptial help). I react in a calm way by talking to her, shushing her even when she hits her shrill screams. I'm not sure if because I know I'm the last line of defense in the soothing department with my husband or if I'm truly getting better in the patience department. I worried what all her crying would do to me mentally. But now that we're in the thick of it, it's been no issue at all and I'm astonished. She's just so hard to get impatient with. I've learned to just go with the flow when it comes to her (albeit we do have a bit of a loose schedule with her).

I'm so beyond thankful that the one thing I worried most about is a non issue. As I truly think the impatience would have been a real killer in the amazing bond we have now. This is not to say she doesn't test my patience at times. She does but it takes a lot to get there and even then my reactions to said impatience moments are still very calm in nature.

As a side note from all of my ramblings, Anastasia was a trooper yesterday as she got her 2 month shots. She cried and went beat red when it happened. But quickly soothed on the breast and was all smiles after mommy and daddy talking to her while she layed down.

Anastasia after her shots


  1. She is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing this... I am also nervous about being impatient!

    1. Big hugs! My brother always told me I'd be a horrible mom when it came to patience. So I really think it worried me even more to have someone else observe that about me pre children. Now I know not everyone is the same but I hope when your LO arrives you find the same thing happens to you. Even other children crying doesn't bother me and I think also a lot of that comes from being confident with a baby. I was in no way confident with other peoples kids because I didn't have one of my own to kind of feel through each stage. With not having the confidence I think really caused the majority of my impatience it was mostly towards myself but it would sometimes come off as being impatient with the baby or the situation.

      Thank you for reading!
