Creative and organization bug hit hard! - TLC Mom

Monday, January 20, 2014

Creative and organization bug hit hard!

So DD has got me into a really big creative and organization kick of all the photos I have, starting with a scrapbook.

You know how these things go. I was looking online for a laminator that would allow me to laminate the foot and hand prints my mom and I painstakingly (admittedly it was a lot of fun) got with the little kit the babybook came with. Because they're just on cardstock I'd like a way to better preserve these. I then began searching for a few photo corners for the birth book . The ones that came with it weren't very good so replacements were needed .

Babybook we got (love it!)

After searching for the photo corners of course Amazon made other suggested purchases. Scrap book was looking me in the face saying "Buy me I'm cute and for a good price." damn you Amazon and your smart marketing scheme. "Ok now I need paper for the book and stickers, of course you need little quote stickers and mat pads can't go without those. All of these need to match the book." OYE what a tailspin of a buy that was. So I went with the Once upon a time theme. While many use it for their weddings I just loved how this could be a great book for her first year. Then I start looking at cute little scrap booking accessories to put on. Stop right there. This crap is expensive!! I dont' know how anyone can get into this hobby without spending an arm and a leg on EVERY project.

Once Upon a Time Scrapbook
I then remembered a few years ago I bought a cutter. One of those plotters that you can cut paper with and your own designs (as I hated the idea of having to use cartridges and be confined to only what I could get with the cartridge.) I used it back then for little designs for my program fans that I sold. But the one I bought was a bit outdated and honestly I wanted more from the machine. One of them being the ability to cut fabric as I have in the past few years gotten into sewing. What to do? Well I bought this bad boy (See photo below). A hefty investment but it will not only help (and pay for itself) me get very creative with my Invitation Business but also with scrap booking (hello creating my own scrapbooking accessories!)AND also with my quilting. IF this would have only been useful for paper crafts and allowing me to create accessories I wouldn't have bothered spending the money. But because this speaks to 3 facets of my creative life I'm excited! Okay maybe I'm trying to hard to justify my purchase ;) I'll be sure to share some of the creations made. I also got 2 huge photo albums that will hopefully hold us over until she's 6 months old. I have to cut back on the amount of photos I take of her lol. With that I got some photo sleeves some that had vertical slots mixed in with the horizontal  which I love so you don't have to flip the album when you want to see the photos right side up
My new shiny cutter !! :)

Now to find the time...  Paul may be watching DD for a bit of this weekend while I play. That or DD and I will have fun playing with this ourselves. Note: I'll keep her far away from the machine but she's so darn cute with her smiles she may inspire some ideas while babbling in her rock n play:) Pinterest anyone??

Wow if I was someone famous a lot of products would have gotten some amazing advertising plugs lol.

So what started out as buying photo corners and a laminator for her birth book turned into something I didn't anticipate but am very happy it happened as it did.

Babbling baby <3

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