First day of daycare - Tear - TLC Mom

Monday, January 6, 2014

First day of daycare - Tear

Today was her first day of daycare and my first day back to work. Days leading up to it all I kind of kept my mind off of it. Tried to will the fact out of existence I suppose. It hit me like a ton of bricks Yesterday. There was no denying my baby girl and I wouldn't get to have all this wonderful time together. Also hit me that she's getting older. A fact I doubt parents ever come to terms with no matter how old their children get. I shed a few silent tears in the car as my husband drove off. I didn't want to linger to long at the dayhome (who happens to be her godmother we'll call S). S I think sensed things so helped hurry me along. I've called her 4 times and skyped with her once. I can't say how happy I am for the ability that technology gives us to check in on our loved ones to this capacity. We got my parents a webcam and they are now happily setup with a Skype account. Love love skype and the ability for my parents to be apart of Anastasia's life while they're so far away. (

The Christmas holidays were well to us. Minus getting the flu myself Anastasia managed to go flu free but she did end up getting a little sick. So at her appointment tomorrow it's likely she won't be getting her first round of shots. Something I really wish wasn't so but I know it's what must be done for her health and safety. I just hate worrying about her immune system without these shots. At 8 weeks I just want her to have some 'coverage'. Especially now that she'll be exposed to 2 children daily one of which has an older sister in the school system. As we all know is often a breading ground for everything out there.

The weather has been very very up and down and I mean major up and downs. We went from rain yesterday and part of today, to looking at well below freezing come tonight. I'm hoping all this abrupt change in weather doesn't harm her even more. Despite her cold she is all smiles. Over the past few days she's really been smiling at us, an actual non gassy smile haha. I can't tell you the joy and love this puts in my heart every time I see it. I was able capture one of them on video. Suffice to say it's been watched about 5 times today, I sure do miss her.

As I write that I miss her I'm about to close up shop and head to get her. So I won't linger longer than I have to. It's been an okay day, not the same without my Anastasia. That girl is something special.

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