First Christmas - TLC Mom

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

First Christmas

Anastasia's first Christmas was magical, well at least to me it was. While we were a bit tired nothing could have made us less excited about this day. Most of my friends who know me, know that I'm a huge fan of Christmas. No matter what happens during the year good, bad,  and the ugly, Christmas brings this magic that I just love.

We had a family member who was gracious enough to come to our home so we could get a few photos of our daughter with Santa. I was really bummed that we wouldn't be able to do it this year. I'm one of those paranoid parents and I didn't want to lug a one month old to the mall to sit on Santa's lap. Nor was it advised by our Pediatrician. So when a family member offered we felt so blessed and it made my holiday.

As some know and others may not know I am a photographer and have been having such a great time taking photos of our daughter. I imagine as she gets older and understands what's going on my camera will be greeted with eye rolls and hiding of faces. For now she'll remain a blissfully ignorant victim to my lens. (hahaha)

This year Anastasia spent her Christmas with my husbands family. We weren't sure how she was going to handle everyone but she did such a fantastic job. She had from what we could tell a great time. Given that she was only a month and a half old by Christmas we decided low key with her gifts were best. She got a Christmas bear (first bear from mom and dad) and a Christmas dress along with her first ornament.

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