One Month! - TLC Mom

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

One Month!

So a few of these posts will be more of a catch up

On December 10th our girl turned a month old and did that ever come so fast. Now nearing her second month I'm still in disbilief that she's here.
You're still such a tiny little baby. As we've gotten to know you over this first month of your life we learned so much about you but also about ourselves.

This month you started and like: You are building such strong neck muscles. Since the day you were born you were so alert but you just love looking at peoples faces. Tummy time is a bit of an unsure thing for you sometimes you'll cry other times your interested in figuring out how to lift that little head of yours.

You LOVE Lights! Any kind of lighting you're drawn to especially the Christmas tree. When you're crying mom and dad would bring you by the Christmas tree and you'd just stare curiously at the lights. It was such a beautiful sight to see. (mommy really thinks a huge reason why you are so alert is because of the foam goggles you had to wear when you were born and had Jaundice. Since then you've just wanted to be connected to your surroundings, soaking everything in. As mentioned before

Food, like any newborn you love to eat and at times spit it up. Mommy likes this bonding time we have together. You're a great feeder and never gave your mother any issues. 

You dislike: Getting changed. Anything to do with long sleeves and getting your tiny arms through you get very impatient and upset.

Highlights: Well you were born ;) You had jaundice but after a full day and a half of treatments we were able to get you released from the hosptial. 2 weeks after you were born there was thanksgiving. Because of how young you were we just stayed home and snuggled with you. The Barnhart Family sure did miss seeing you though. Grandmie and Grandpa B came by the following weekend and we enjoyed some turkey.

Misc thoughts / info:
You're already an inch and a half taller and a pound heavier from the day you were born. Now at 8lb 10oz and 21.5 inches tall. When you cry it breaks our hearts. You are sleeping a good 6 hours at night giving your mom and dad a really good nights rest, we thank you for that.

We think you're just excited to be a month old as your mom and dad are. How do we know that you may be asking? Take a look at this photo.

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