Traveling, swimming and hotels Oh my! - TLC Mom

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Traveling, swimming and hotels Oh my!

Do you hate when you write a long blog post out say on your computer notepad or word only to delete it minutes after it was finished? Yeah this momma just did that. Kind of tells you the last few weeks we've had. After I wrote all of the below I almost did it again! Wow lol.

Just last week I went away on a company trip to New Jersey for the entire week. I was so blessed in that my daughter and husband (We'll call him mister mom for that week lol)were able to come along.

Needless to say I for some illogical reason thought, the older they get the less I'll need to bring.. HA! Right now that is so far from being the case. Our car was packed packed packed, thank goodness I have such a meticulous husband. Everything's this big puzzle piece to him and he enjoys the challenge. I don't know how he does it or has the patience for it but he managed to pack her stroller, mini-co sleeper (think mini pack n play), Einstein Jumperoo, Rock n play, then other miscellaneous baby items. A full sleeve of diapers, wipes, wipes and more wipes. and probably more clothing than I should have brought. The one thing that I forgot that I should have brought was her bathing suit. Yep that's right baby girl went into the pool for the first time. As unsure as she was about the entire thing I really think she took well to it. So next trip we're really going to consolidate. No stroller and no co-sleeper.

She will have her rock and play as well as her Jumperoo. She adores that thing so much. She's able to stand, bounce, push buttons and watch them light up. She's able to rotate around the stations and stay entertained while mommy and daddy talk to her.

She really is such a happy baby offering smiles to anyone. After the business trip we took the time to go see Pauls Aunt and Uncle in Long Island. It was so much fun! Not to mention I really love that as of currently she really can be held by anyone and be okay. We can leave the room and she doesn't blow up (knock on wood). I really hope this type of socialization/independence stays. Of course she'll always be my baby girl I just want to try as much as possible to not have a child who has separation anxiety. And I realize in some situations there's really nothing you can do / nothing you did to cause it. But if I can possibly help make it an easier transition if it becomes an issue than I'd rather start now.

April is such a busy month. Between traveling, photography sessions, new babies and program fans ... oh did i mention New BABIES (plural?) I'm an auntie twice in a matter of 2 days! One to my SIL who had a little girl and one to our best friends who had a little boy a day later. EPP!! Sure does make you realize how much your own child is growing. I find myself floored at how much she's growing. I always try to appreciate every moment and day but holding a newborn is a huge reality check. She's still tiny obviously but not so new any more! :)

With that it should mean that I have a lot to blog about :) Anastasia will be my tester model on Friday for my newborn baby girl setup for a session on Saturday. Dual purpose really given that it'll be nice to have some new professional photos of her.

I'm sorry for the ill structured post. But this is what happens when I haven't posted in a couple weeks. <3

I hope this finds you all well!

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