The Diaper change battle that is. I know so many parents experience the same issues I do.
Lets lay out the scenario: You have a not so pleasant diaper on your hands and all your child wants to do is kick, add in the occasional scream (okay likely more than occasional) and twist their bodies in ways you never thought humanly possible. You're there holding their legs hoping that one foot doesn't come loose and go crashing down on the mess that lays before you. Because as a parent your mind is 3 steps ahead of this scenario. If that foot falls it not only means a rogue leg that could cause unruly havoc but it means yes there's now a mess on your child's body. You don't put the clean diaper under just yet there's a slight chance that too could become a victim of becoming dirty way before it's time. Which then means a bath at the and if you're in a hurry to go somewhere and or DON"T have any kind of a faucet handy you would rather not have to do a wet wipes ' bath. Also, see that blanket beside her just within her reach? Well that now becomes an accomplice just asking to get dirty as well.So we hold onto those tiny legs, trying to entertain our child, by silly faces, their favorite show and maybe just maybe you'll be lucky and it's time for them to have a bottle. In my case I'm guilty of giving her two ounces if I know it's going to be one of those changes.
I have to admit since this phase started I've tried to be armed. I take things I know she will find entertaining and I try to bribe her with them. Only to then hope that it keeps her attention for as long as the change takes place. Normally it takes 3 different distractions to finish a change.
We've also had some fun battles with applying the desitin. For some reason it's become a fun game for Anastasia to as I'm applying, move, kick and giggle while she does it. Well that's great sweetie but you now have desitin between your toes and on your thighs. Not it's intended destination dear not to mention a bit of a pain to take off.
So changing has become this strategic game of put in reach what you want her to get and remove ALL other temptation. Don't move it a few feet away this will cause your child to twist in the ways I mentioned before to try and reach it, whatever the cost may be, whatever the cost.... Also, what you do want her to play with you have to make sure it's not in a place that will cause her to move too much. It's all about the balance ;) . We'll call it a rather hilarious dance to an outsider watching as we prepare, execute and sometimes cry at our failed changing attempts.
But the battle continues and I find myself getting more and more creative. My ever moving child I will win this war ;)
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