What is it about kids and their ability to give enormous hugs?
My daughter has given me a few hugs since she learned how. Today's hug though, something was different. Today's hug melted my heart and buckled my kneeling knees. I went over to give Paul a hug. He was sitting in his chair with Anastasia. As I gave him a hug you could tell Anastasia was excited, she looked at me then her father and giggled. Gave her dad an open mouthed kiss (just her of course) then I was next culprit. After that she continued laughing then lunged at me. Her arms tightened around my neck, then came the finisher. She lovingly rubbed my back. The comforting and loving rub I give her when she's upset, just because or drifting off to sleep. Today I got that in return. As she squeezed tight, she captured my heart yet again (how is this possible!?!). We've hugged many times over the months but this was different and so moving.
When your child hugs you and I mean the I need and love you hug it touches your soul and releases any worry you may have. It changes you, in that moment the child who is slowly becoming little miss independent shows she very much so needs you, needs her family, needs your love and guidance. She is her happiest when she has her mom and dad right next to her. She lights up and reminds us this is where we always want to be. I'm so blessed to have the family I do.
Thank you baby girl for in your own ways reminding me of that. Thank you Paul for doing the same. I'm one lucky mom and wife!
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