3 Months Old - TLC Mom

Monday, February 10, 2014

3 Months Old

3 Months today! 13lbs and 3 oz! (333 :) )

You're doing/like:
You're starting to really interact with people. You coo in response to our talking and love to just go back and forth like that for a good 10 minutes. You're starting to blow bubbles with your lips  and it's so darn adorable. You're crying far less and smiling a lot. At your Aunt Savannahs you are infatuated with the fish in the fish tank. You're also starting to reach for items as you see them and grasp them. This is especially true with the Lamaze birdy toy Grandma and Grandpa B got you.You really love watching TV we know right now you don't understand what's on the screen but it grabs your undivided attention.

You Dislike: The booger sucker and having your food taken away too early when we need to burp you. you are not happy when this happens.

Highlights: This month was filled with firsts for you, some fun and some not so fun. You had your first round of shots at the doctor. You got 3 needles and one liquid medication. The three shots you were such a trooper. While you did cry when the needles were put in your thighs as soon as you started eating you were completely okay.

You also got to meet your Aunt Erika and Uncle Orrin when we had our Barnhart Christmas celebration. They were tickled to meet and hold you. They already miss you while they're in Boston.

 On Jan 26th we took you to the ice rink for your first 'skate' around the rink. This is your mothers all time favorite thing to do. Your Aunt Savannah and Uncle Mark came along with Abe for his first time on skates.You enjoyed about 4 laps around the rink at different times. Each time you started out crying and immediately hushed and enjoyed the laps. <3 When you weren't in my arms Aunt Savannah sat with you while we skated.

We also did your 3 month photo session as mom just can't get enough for your beautiful face.

Misc Thoughts: Do you understand what I'm saying what I talk to you and you burst out laughing or are you internally thinking "Gee mommy is one screw loose away from going into the loony bin."?

One, Two and Three Months

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