Did you Know? - TLC Mom

Friday, March 14, 2014

Did you Know?

 Did you know that when you sleep your father and I kiss you gently in the forehead? In the middle of the night I put my ear down near you just to hear you breathing. That I reach over and place my hand in your chest just to feel it rise and fall.
That I will sit and watch you nap with a smile on my face because there's no where else I'd rather be.

Did you know that you make every one around you laugh? With your cooing, blowing bubbles, tired cries and adorable expressions.

Did you know you're my life, my love, my everything?
That you inspire me.

Did you know that I love to see you smile? When I change your diaper I'll just lay beside you on the couch while you grab chunks of my hair pull my glasses off while we both laugh.

Did you know you're loved by so many people ? That even though grandma and grandpa d are far away they think of you every day?

Did you know you're amazing and your Grammy loves spending these days with you getting to know the beautiful little girl you are?

Did you know you've changed me? That your tiny hands can make giants crumble?

Did you know you make me cry? You make me so happy and at times the happiness you bring is so monumental I can't help but shed a tear. That when I watch shows with kids in then it's just not the same, I feel this motherly bind to what I watch.

Did you know you're always worth it? That you deserve nothing but the best life has to offer and that your father and I will always be there to support you?

Did you know I sing to you? That soft lullabies are whispered in your ear to help calm you down? That you love it when daddy reads to you?

Did you know I love watching you wake up? From your groggy stretches to your eyes slowly opening but the best of all is when you notice Mr there and you give your father and I this huge smile.

Did you know you have 3 dimples? When your very excited and give us a big smile and gurgled laughs all three show up. When you're sad and crying the one just under your left eye shows. When you're just content and happy you give us this heat melting grin one of the ones near your mouth shows.

Did you know you'll always and forever be my little Anastasia, my baby girl? If you didn't, now you know.

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