4 months - TLC Mom

Monday, March 10, 2014

4 months

You're doing/like:

on 2/14/2014 you rolled over from belly to back for the first time! On the 15th you started to scoot on your play mat.We also tried sitting you in the bumbo for the first time and wouldn't you know it you sat in it like a pro without any neck support required! Yay! Lots of big firsts this past month.

Teething has commenced!

You love your little blue monkey, we bring him along when we go on car rides, you prefer to douse him in slobber part of the way, then gab to him the rest. You've started to nap a lot less but are going to sleep a little earlier. You also love your little hands, you make pretty loud noises when you're just about eating them. You've discovered your feet and think they're the neatest thing.

Mommy thought you were gabbing a bit before, but now it's all the time and we cannot get enough of it. Grammy just laughs her tush off when she hears you talking and she loves all the raspberries you blow. So much so that you tend to soak an outfit.

You're certainly my little Munkin

You Dislike: You still love to be flat on your back, but as soon as we go from holding you and start to put you down you go ballistic. Sometimes as long as we're putting you on your back you're okay, but if we're putting you in your swing or rock and play when you don't want to be there, watch out ;).
Highlights: Happy Valentines day! Your first valentines day was amazing. Daddy brought you and I out for dinner for 3 and we had a great time. An older gentle man came over ad gave you a penny to put in your bank. We also got you your first valentines day card.

Misc Thoughts: It's so amazing seeing you reach these mobile and cognitive milestones. We're so so proud of you each and every day.

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