Religious and Non Religious co-parenting - TLC Mom

Friday, May 30, 2014

Religious and Non Religious co-parenting

While Anastasia is still young the topic of religion has never been one of contention in our home. While Paul is of the Roman Catholic faith, I am of no religious affiliations. Surprisingly to some it works out very well for us. We are both so respectful of each others faith and with that we want to respect our children's religious freedoms as well.

While not all will agree with the path we've chosen it's what works for our family. When we got married, we did so in a church. Although I have no religion it doesn't mean that I should have things my way. To Paul it was important for him to be married in the eyes of his god. For me it was important to be married to him, I didn't care where. Now with a child we approach the topic of Religion. We've decided to baptize her. My thoughts are as follows if we don't at least give her the tools to choose I am essentially forcing my non beliefs on her and disregarding her fathers. There is no harm if she finds that this religion or any for that matter is not for her. But I want that to at least be an option for her. Paul will take her to church and I'm still debating if it's something I want to partake in or if it'll be a special time for Daddy and kids. We're not there yet so I have some time to think it over.

Anastasia is getting baptized this coming month and frankly I'm' excited to prepare for it, buying the dress,  the invitations (I really wanted to make them from scratch but I really needed to realize how short we are on time and just how little time I have to be sitting down and making all of them), making a few things for the gathering afterwards. It's a big moment for her,  her god parents, Aunt and Uncle and of course her grandparents.
Her Baptism invitation
Religion isn't a big deal in our home and I will always teach my daughter to respect everyone's faith even those who choose the path of no longer believing in a god. This is the way I was brought up and I feel it allowed me to be truly open to everyone and respectful.

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