Forgetfulness - TLC Mom

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Don't you just love it when you forget you have an appointment and really aren't prepared for it? As adults we adapt, our children sometimes need certain things.

We had our home inspection yesterday which is a 4 hour long inspection. Cue realizing this when the work day is half way through. I was just shaking my head, how could I forget. Ugh. We get there and Anastasia is content laying on the ground playing with her toys while I all but soaked my work shirt in sweat. Holy Moses I really wish I had planned ahead lol. Luckily there's a basement. Actually thank gosh there was a basement. We quickly relocate downstairs. I notice Anastasia needs to be changed.. I look in the bag ONE diaper left... one.. Oye She'll need at least one more change before we head home. Luckily we have extra's in the car. Phew... crisis averted (no I don't like my daughter sitting in her dirty diaper for to long, diaper rash isn't fun to deal with). We made do though and Anastasia did just fine. I got worked up before all of this went down for nothing really. I should have given my daughter more faith than I did. She really was fine and it was all mommy who was worried for nothing. She played, didn't care where, was fed, changed and watched a bit of Pirate Fairy in her Carseat. We made do and she was just fine ;)

Oh man I need to really reel in the excessive worrying at times.
Stop worrying Mommy!
Oh and the inspection went well. We're really excited that things are coming together as they are. Only time will tell but this is likely our family home. That's so refreshing to say! Anastasia added another element of laughter to the process. It's special to have her here during such a big time in our lives. For me this is huge. Looking back on where we wanted to be in 5 years I'm shocked at how much we've accomplished, a lot of it within this past year alone.

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