Adventures of Anastasia - Boston Roadtrip - TLC Mom

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Adventures of Anastasia - Boston Roadtrip

Rockport, MA
I realized Sunday as we traveled back from boston that we really are a traveling family. Anastasia has already been to quite a few places in just 6 months of her life. I also realized just how much fun she's already been able to experience. Although she likely won't ever remeber it our life is far from boring :P

The plus side to all of this as well is that she's seeming to become a really good traveler a 5 hour trip doesn't seem to phase her. When we do our trips to Canada she gets a bit more antsy and 8 hours in a car... really who wouldn't? But we're finding fun ways to break the long trips up and she enjoys watching the tablet / sleeping during the trips. One note to self, not every place will have warm water. When traveling some of the bathrooms have automatic sinks. Many of which were cold cold cold. In a pinch it's nice to have that warm water for bottles. Luckily Paul and I pack a thermos full of hot water and use that on our trip. But sometimes you just want to have very little bulk as possible.

We spent the holiday weekend in Boston visiting my Brother and Sister in law. We traveled down friday got there late at night. Man was Anastasia out of her routine then. She got to stay up until 12 am.. lucky girl, not so lucky us hahaha.

Saturday was action packed. We went on a stroll and went down to the beach. Along the way I had to take some photos. Of course I did ;) I think it was getting annoying to hear me say.. Ohhh ohh this spot, one sec. Luckily going there Anastasia didn't mind. on the way back she was less than impressed. "Alright mom enough of this photo business".

Something I also noticed I've fallen in love with is Anastasia's stroller. My sister in law made a comment that I really agree with. I may just get a stroller so it can hold all of my stuff when I walk. Really strollers are convenient in that sense where there's no more lugging everything over your shoulder. We have 2 diaper bags. One heavy duty that we bring back and forth from Daycare and another that we use for the stroller so that we only bring as much as we'd need for that little outting. Then the big bag stays in the car or at home. Being a photographer I really don't want my camera around my neck all the time it's nice to put it in the undercarriage from time to time :)

We ate lunch and Anastasia went down for her nap. After she got up we started our trek to the Aquarium. I think I was the most excited. I love love love aquatic life. But to my surprise Anastasia turned out to be the most excited. Living kind of through your children as they discover some of the worlds most precious wonders just fills your heart. Seeing this glow and light in their eyes, how they're body jumps in excitement and cooing and ooing over what they're seeing. Priceless!

The Boston Aquarium is such a beautiful place to go. I've often heard mixed reviews but for this Aquatic lover it was perfect. Not to mention the views when you go outside to view the sea lions... droll worthy! My favorite was seeing the turtles. They're so HUGE! least favorite was the eel. So mean and ugly looking. They just look like they're out to get you. Anastasia I don't believe has a preference. She loved them all hahaha.

Can't put my finger on it but this makes my heart skip a beat.

Suffice to say from the looks of the photos she had a blast at the Aquarium and down at the beach. Bonus that mommy got some really nice shots when going to the beach. ;)

Sunday was our traveling day but it was just as action packed. Given that it was memorial day weekend we were able to see all of the American flags that lined the shore. We stopped off in Glouster before heading to Rockport. Both places had their own beauty and story to tell.
We enjoyed the views and snacked on some freshly caught Lobster. MMM it was soo good. Anastasia was certainly entertained by it all. 

This trip really seemed to make me realize how much I love traveling with my daughter, being with her as she experiences lifes little treasures. I mean I knew it before but it truly didn't register until this weekend and looking back on the photos and how much we did in just a day and a half. It is certainly a driving factor to make sure that this is something we do often with her. There's something to be said about taking in and enjoying your own back yard. I'd like to see us keep up with this and continue to see new places and experience new things with our daughter.
Not to worry she didn't touch the lobster ;)

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