Lipoma - Update #2 - TLC Mom

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Lipoma - Update #2

I have a feeling I'll be doing a few more of these posts. So I'm going to make a blog page on it's own linking to all of her 'medical' updates. This will make it easier to find out how she's doing without having to sift through other posts that may not interest you.

We went and saw a pediatrician. To our delight it was with a different doctor. We really love who we got at our last appointment.

For a basic update Anastasia is doing well. They were concerned that she hadn't reached two milestones and said we could do early intervention. At this time we're saying no simply because we feel she's getting there and going at her own stubborn pace. So for now we'll just keep working on the rolling over and sitting unassisted. By the way this did not help with my anxiety over comparing her to other babies.

We went on to get her shots done and requested the flu shot since she was of age as the flu was making it's rounds again. Yupeee.. I had that back in December and am ever so grateful I had the flu shot. I really think it helped lessen the symptoms when I did catch it. She was a trooper. A little bit of crying while both Paul and I tried to entertain her with her little monkey. Failed attempt really.

Anastasia is 15lbs 14oz, 26.25 inches long. basically 50th percentile with being a tad on the tall side. Who knew? :P Given that Paul and I are on the vertically challenged side of things this was a pleasant surprise. Likely she'll still be a shorty though.

We were then asked if we had any concerns. I bet you can't guess what I brought up ;). If I can make any suggestion to parents with medical concerns it's to document whatever it is that is concerning you. Doctors don't always remember your last visit, and sometimes our kids stop the behaviors when we go to the doctors. Having a photo or video of your concern is something that helps not only your doctor out but make you feel less like a worry wart mother and so that action can be taken. Not that we ever really care if we're thought of like that. With that being said as soon as I showed her a comparison photo (you can see that here) she immediate said she'd be comfortable if we went and saw a pediatric surgeon. I'll have you know I did not plan to leave that office without a referral. So it's good on both accounts that she immediately said it. What she also did next left me feeling better in her care. She measured the bump! her other pediatrician seemed to think it was acceptable to just do a feelskie test on her bump and that would be sufficient for future visits and keeping an eye on it. Now we have an actual measurement (3cm) and can keep an actual eye on the growth from here on out. We're going to be changing to this doctor. Not because she bent to our will. But because she goes about things the way we would like. She feels like a fit for us and our daughter.

With the referral in hand we'll be seeing the surgeon on the 5th of June. I will certainly update you with the course of action we'll be taking. Hopefully there won't need to be many more updates about the Lipoma.

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