When the mind goes on strike - TLC Mom

Monday, June 2, 2014

When the mind goes on strike

You ever get to a point where you have so many things you need to do that your mind just says "Screw it I'm going on Vacation." I think mine has hit that point. I have so many things to do that I'll sit in one spot thinking about what all needs to be done without devising a plan in order to get things done. Then I just waste more time thinking about what I should concur first.

Mind you a lot of the time i do this to myself. I'm a huge procrastinator. The only problem is it doesn't work when you have things 'due' or 'overdue' around the same time. Tisk tisk Amanda.

Here are some things on the to do list:
Moving -
Paul and I are notorious last minute people. So because of the magnitude of our move this time we need to be prepared. We've moved 8 times in the past 4 years you think we'd have a system or at least have this gig locked down. Nope, not even close. So We've put a good foot forward, I mean progress is being made and now with a child things aren't so easy to just go and clean up a room. But still it's far from complete. I would 'like' to empty out our spare bedroom aka craft/junk room. I can't be the only one who has one of these. I'm really hoping we don't have one when we move into our new house. That'll likely be our biggest undertaking in terms of rooms. So fingers crossed we can put a hefty dent into it this weekend.

Fans -
I make invitations and the primary product I make are Program fans. They are tedious little things but they bring me a lot of joy to make for brides and couples getting married. I take on roughly an order a month and currently need to have an order of 150 fans by this weekend. I can do it and I will! Just hate that I left it till now.

Bracelets -
I have a few people I need to send out bracelets to for participating in my Infertility Blog Letter Series. If you're reading this and waiting for yours I'm SO SO Sorry! I will get there I promise.

Anastasia's Lipoma - 
This week is her doctors appointment with the Pediatric Surgeon. It'll just be a consultation but we'll hopefully have a plan in place by Thursday.

Anastasia's Scrapbook - 

this is lower on the totem pole but still something I'd like to get done.

More headbands - 
again lower on the totem pole but still there.

Photography -
Just did a 4 month session yesterday. I managed to get 5 photos fixed up 15 more to go. If I spend a good 2 hours at the computer screen without any distractions I'll have success!

Then there's work stresses which are more than enough on it's own right now. Not in a bad way, it's good job security stress hahaha.

I think the biggest anxiety of all right now is just the moving. We've been doing a lot going to numerous appointments between our Bank, home inspections and meeting with our Realtor. I'm just ready to be onto that next chapter and I know it's within our reach. At the same time I don't want it to come too soon as I don't feel like we're ready packing wise. This month we will try to put a dent in everything packing wise.

I'm trying to make lots of left overs so that when it comes down to the last few weeks all I'll need is the crock pot, small pat and or microwave to heat up the pre made meals. I find that when we get down to the last few weeks we eat very poorly. So I'm trying to stay ahead of that with more nutritious meals that are just as easy to heat and go as you need.

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