"Oh Christmas Tree" - Where are you!? - TLC Mom

Saturday, January 10, 2015

"Oh Christmas Tree" - Where are you!?

For those who know me, you know I love Christmas. So much so that I try to hold onto the spirit well into summer time if I can manage it . This means at minimal that I normally still have the tree up. Not without some kind of comments from my husband mind you.

This year however I took it down Jan 2nd. Some may be rushing to my home to take my temperature, but I assure you it was done with good reason. The tree unfortunately was taking up prime real estate that we needed to begin our first home improvement project of 2015. First home improvement project yet I believe. So with tears in my eyes the tree had to come down. Okay not real tears but it went against everything I normally do.

No sooner was the tree down did we start what will become Anastasia's toy and reading corner. With pinterest's help we're well on our way to having a comfy and cozy spot for Anastasia to play and where we can read to her. The toys especially needed a new home then being put right in front of our L couch. I was getting tired of having no organization when it came to her toys. We still need to figure out some sort of organization for her toys but for now they at least have a corner to go to at night. YAY, mommy for the win!

We've started phase 1 and that's putting up gutter book shelves. I realize the name isn't to appealing but I promise you the finished look is absolutely darling! I was a little picky with the gutters as I wanted a bit of a contoured line design. So it took a little bit of looking in our tiny everything store in town. But we found it and Paul was more than happy to help get the project moving.

So that's what we're doing right now. I'll update as things progress. I'm even using my handy dandy project planning sheets that I designed. I love these things, as we'll have home improvements documented, how much time and money we spent and be able to have  a sense of accomplishment. Don't forget these worksheets are available free for download: HERE.

For an in depth look at how we did the first shelf please visit our post Gutter Book Shelves.

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