Lipoma - TLC Mom

Thursday, February 20, 2014


I'm just going to dive right into things. Anastasia has had a 'bump' on the side of her head that I noticed just before she was 1 month. I had them check it at her 1 month and was explained that I was likely fatty tissue that would go away on it's own. fast forward to 2 months later and it still hasn't resolved itself. So when we took her in when she was sick I mentioned it again. This time we were scheduled for an ultrasound to rule out other possibilities.

If any doctors (unlikely I'm not that popular in the blog world ;) ) who read this please take note of the below paragraph.

We went for her ultrasound on Monday. She was happy as can be until she needed to have her ultrasound done (go figure). The technician was such a nice man and helped us first time parents with handling her/trying to calm her. Sometimes you need a reality check to calm the heck down lol. Not that I was freaking out but my body was tense. I mean I was tense that she was crying, tense at what they'd possibly find. So my body was a ball of nerves while I held Anastasia and she knew it. Way to go mommy ;). Any ways the technician thought he got what he needed so wanted to consult the dr. The doctor came in and he wanted a bit more info (This is where you take note all you wonderful doctors reading this AMAZING blog ;)) So the technician did as he was told while I spoke to my daughter trying to keep her amused for the time being while the dr looked on. Then out of no where he leaves. Not a word to us or the technician just leaves, No "Okay I've seen what I need to." Nada. Umm Mr and Mrs doctors. Hello first time mom here you just freaked me out! I was relatively calm until this happened. Thoughts like "Why did you leave without a word." "Does this mean something is terribly wrong and he couldn't bear letting us see it on his face?" Just don't do this. Please for the sake of our sanity just give some acknowledgement that you at least have the info you need before leaving. Don't just leave, it says so much for such a small action. Even the technician appologized profusly (I didn't say anything was just in shock) and he kept saying how 'weird' it was that he'd behave like that. A simple "Okay thanks." Would have sufficed. I wasn't looking to get a diagnosis from you just some ounce of professionalism and heaven forbid proper social skills when dealing with something that is possibly as sensitive as this :/

We got the call yesterday that Anastasia has a Lipoma, a benign tumor of fatty tissue. Upon using Dr Google. (BAD Amanda) I found that it's rarer to have in small children and sometimes it can go away while others it stays the same or can get bigger. I'm hoping for the first two. As she gets older it'd be easier to hide under her hair, I figure it will be noticeable when she puts her hair up :(. If it becomes painful to her or we notice it growing we'll have to come to terms with possibly having it removed preferably by a plastic surgeon so that there's minimal scaring.

So that was my week so far. I'm feeling much better about it, just anxious to see what the future holds for this bump. Hoping future ones don't pop up and that this one just goes away.

1 comment:

  1. My husband has these on his arms and legs. I believe they began in his late teens/early adulthood. He has had a couple removed from his arn because they were bothering him, otherwise he and I don't notice them much. Although having them on the extremities is different that on a head. Hopefully it it doesn't grow or better yet reduces in size.
