6 months - Half a year already?!? - TLC Mom

Thursday, May 15, 2014

6 months - Half a year already?!?

Half a year and spring is finally here!

New things your doing / Like:
The biggest milestone you reached this month is trying solids for the first time. You loved your sweet potatoes and now you're onto peas. If I had to guess by your facial expressions and eagerness to eat you favor the sweet potatoes over the peas.

Rolling. You are 99.9% of the way there as Grammy would put it! Ever so close, your arm is the one thing that gets in the way from going back to belly. You've successfully turned over a few times but nothing yet that shows it's a consistent movement for you.

Books. You really love the sight of books, fabric, board or paper. You know that they must be opened and it's so cute seeing you look at pages. I like to think  you're reading them, okay that's really reaching :P hahaha. My studious little girl.

You Dislike:
Teething and so does mommy and daddy. Also you don't like it if you're not swaddled at night. (uhh oh) So we'll be trying to transition you from that comfort to no swaddling at night. I anticipate a few sleepless nights but we'll get there!

You met your little cousin Julia for the first time. She was such a little peanut in comparison to you. You loved trying to grab her face.

We went on a trip to the zoo in Binghamton. What a fun time that was. It was special to see how much your eyes lit up at all these animals. A goat even tried to say 'hello' :)

Misc Thoughts:
Spring is here and we can finally get you out of those long sleeve onesies and into shorts/skirts.

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