Children and Family Pets - TLC Mom

Friday, May 9, 2014

Children and Family Pets

When you're a pet owner and having a child it's likely always on your mind how your child will react to the pets (if they'll be allergic even), and more importantly how your pets will react to a new family member. We can't ever know for sure how the outcome will be but we can at least try our best to prepare ourselves and our pets for the new change.

I was dreadfully scared of our dog in particular possibly becoming aggressive. I'd heard stories of loving pets become aggressive after a child comes. As much as I'd like to think my darling dog or cat would always be angels and never hurt a new family member I couldn't blind myself to the fact that anything is a possibility with pets and how they adapt to change. We view our pets as our family, they will always be part of our family. For them to leave our home would mean they were a danger to themselves that we couldn't fix and or other family members. Nothing else would change their status in our home. They aren't expendable, they weren't and aren't place holders for the human babies that would join our family. They are our fur babies and have maintained that status before and since our daughter was born. We don't spoil them by any means but I'd like to think little changed since having our daughter in terms of the time they get with us.

We have two wonderful pets. A 6 year old cat and a 5 year old dog. Mittens our cat has always been a social butterfly. Months before we gave birth she did start acting strangely and really showed that she knew something was up by peeing on sorted clothes in the basement. Cue buying a plastic table to sort the clothes! Cordova our 90lb dog seemed to be un-phased.

The day Anastasia came home both pets were rather unsure what to do. I think they both thought. "Great mom and dad this crying little thing can leave now, right?" They were no where to be seen the first month or so of her life. But the blessing was they didn't act out either. We gave them attention equally I just think the crying really set them off and made them unsure of the new living arrangements.

 6 months later I'm so so overjoyed at the relationship Anastasia is building with both pets. Mittens is often very uneasy with children as they often come at her with high energy and jerky actions. When it came to Anastasia we've never forced her on either pet. So it was a bit of a pleasant surprise to me when Mittens took the initiative to come up on my chair and share a lap with Anastasia. Although Anastasia just wanted to grab and tug hair, with my assistance they had a great first 'meeting'.

Cordova and Anastasia's bond is special it actually makes me kind of tear up thinking about it. Let this photo speak for the bond they have. He is her protector, not in an aggressive sense just that you can tell they're forming a very strong bond now. Even when she pulls his hair he responds with a whiny voice (never barks) and licks her face. Which is funny because it's like he knows she'll release, reach for his snout and want more kisses. Which is another odd thing, many children/ babies that I've seen licked by dogs they turn away and cry. Anastasia will turn away from time to time, but always giggle and laugh (Re the photo). She just loves him so much.
best buds!

I was worried for a while with their nonchalant attitude that our pets and our children would just 'co-exist' and that would be that. That they would be terrified of these little human beings running after them.

 Whenever my Daughter spy's the dog or the cat she does this adorable think where she purses her lips and forcefully "Oh's" at them while tensing her body and doing a little jump on my lap. She's always excited to see them. We're extremely blessed that this is the relationship that has so far transpired from adding Anastasia to our family. I can only hope it continues to grow from here!


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