First Solids - TLC Mom

Thursday, May 8, 2014

First Solids

Last week we started Anastasia on solids. The one thing babies certainly don't come with is manuals. Our pediatrician advised we wait until 6 months. Thing was, Anastasia was just ready to eat at 5 months. They say you know when they're ready and it's true. Her tongue reflex wasn't there, she had a locking stare on whatever we were eating. Her lips pursed all the while (so adorable).

The confusing part was "How much do we give her?" I knew that sweet potatoes was okay to start with, but there I was jar in hand going "Okay, now what?" I'm sure I looked pretty funny with the puzzled look on my face. With a crying baby in her highchair I realize my faults. I researched everything but portion size. DOH! The jar was of no assistance and my phone wasn't available, and DD just wanted something to sate her appetite. So I went with a couple spoon fulls heated it up. Another disaster as I didn't calculate the time right in comparison to how little was in the bowl. Lets just say it was too hot for her to eat at the moment. All the while Anastasia is still crying I'm saying "Another minute, another minute baby." If only she could talk at that moment as I kept string to help bring the temperature down.

Finally we were ready to go. Paul had just got in from taking the dog out. At that point I'm thinking "Great timing dear." haha.. When we gave her the first spoonful she was hooked. And that's when I realized days of her independent eating (feeding herself her bottle) was going to be a thing of the past soon at least until she could feed herself regular food when she got older. You could tell the first 'bite' was a bit of uncertainty but she caught on instantly and got a bit testy with me if I wasn't giving her the sweet potatoes fast enough. I don't know why but the best part of all of this was when she grabbed for the spoon and would just bring it in quicker to her mouth than I was. It was cute and solidified for us that this was the right move to make.

It's sometimes hard I find to go against the advice of doctors, but I really have to come to the realization that babies grow at different rates, they learn and become ready for things sooner/later than others. I sometimes wish that doctors presented when you should start things in more of a when baby is ready stance. Like giving you information on cues that show baby is ready. Yes I realize the internet is all around us and accessibility to this information is there. I just wish as a first time parent doctors made this available sooner than when they feel a baby should be starting x,y,z. Then you as a parent can look out for said cues and feel comfortable starting earlier.

This will sound weird and I'm not going to but at first I said in my head "Well we'll just lie to the doctor and say we haven't started yet." Wait, what? Why do I need to lie? My daughter was ready sooner. But her words "NO sooner than 6months rang through my mind. How could it not when she reminded us at every appointment. It'll be interesting to see what she says but sometimes mommy does know best. I'm sure when we say we started sooner she isn't really going to care, and if she does well tough, DD is doing just fine.

So our first adventure in feeding went well. I half expected a food massacre with sweet potatoes being our newest wall decorations, but it was rather tame. I think it's because I kept the bowl out of Anastasia's reach. I have a feeling I'm going to forget one of these days and we may have a fun clean up time on our hands.

I will have you know after that I did manage to find some information on what to feed, how much etc with the help of unpacking my Baby bullet and sifting through the book. I also was able to find what worked best for her food in the microwave. For informational purposes we give her 2 oz of food right now and give her a 2 oz bottle. We do feed her at dinner,
Parenting, it's a fun and interesting learning experience daily!


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