House Hunting - TLC Mom

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

House Hunting

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So for the past few months we've been seriously looking at houses. That has left me feeling excited yet nervous for what the future holds. I mean buying a home for the first time as a family is a big deal right? :) Well to me it is, and that's all that matters.

It's been fun yet has it's moments having our daughter with us as we look at homes. Pretty much showings go on her time. We try to time everything well, but as any person and parent knows, the best laid plans... ;) It's definitely a blessing when my In Laws come to view houses with us. Often Grandpa and Grandma just can't let go of her because they miss her, and she them. So this allows us to kind of view the house completely. It's also a blessing that they come with us because of the knowledge they have with this type of thing. My Father in Law knows what to look for and inspects pretty much every nook and cranny. Love them so much for helping us in so many ways! Very very blessed to have them in our lives.

The best thing of all is seeing how Anastasia reacts to the new environment. We're extra cautious at these homes though because she likes to spit up and who wants to have their child spitting up on what looks like new carpets. The phrase "You break it you bought it." Runs through my head lol. Some of them we just don't want to buy ;).

A few things that really kicked our hiney's into gear.
1. I added this later but I really think it's a tie for the other #1. I want my daughter to grow up in her family home. A lot of times with renting we find ourselves moving every few years due to increases or just not liking the house. I don't want to be flip flopping like that and really want her to make new memories in a new home. :)

1. Finally have something that is our own and our own space.
When we looked at places to rent we had to find something that would do for the time being. This meant we didn't look at things as closely as we did when viewing a home we'd buy. This also meant sacrificing certain things especially when you have pets. Having pets drastically narrows down your options from the get go.

2. Hello Decorating freedom!
         So excited for this!
3. A yard that's ours to fence and do with as we see fit. Gardening Fun anyone?
4. Hello Decorating Freedom?
           Someone say Pinterest?

5. Momma seriously needs a big crafting/photography room.
The amount of props and things I've made this year alone has solidified the need for such room. And serious organization needs to happen.... *taps pinterest impatiently on the shoulder* (yes Anastasia will still have a play room for herself ;)

6. This should be #1 (so sue me I'd have 3 ties for #1) no more paying someone's Mortgage. The amount we pay in mortgage is more than what we'll pay taxes combined if we buy a home now. Not to mention rent is going up and I'd really like to just leave. We've had a great landlord who's always willign to fix things when needed but the renting phase of our lives we feel is done.

7. Moving is always looming over your heads. I've moved 10 times since 2009. Each move I found I kept more and more boxes unpacked. I hate feeling like you just can't plant your roots. Moving is exhausting. I suppose it does have one positive, it always forced us to declutter. Something we'll have to really put an effort into doing once we move into our home. But just feeling like you can't unpack, unwind and just make a living arrangement permanent is at times frustrating. I'm looking forward to unpacking completely :). I'm sure Anastasia will help ;) Okay she'll love the unpacking part just not the putting it away. hahaha

My husband actually said to me "I think it's good we're looking because I'm to the point where I'm really done paying someones mortgage." Now we do realize with renting comes some other financial freedoms such as not having to fix things that go wrong in the house. But we're ready to take that on. (Please don't come back to bite me in the ass too soon after buying a house!).

There are a lot of things we didn't realize when we first started looking at homes. A lot of it we were ignorant to. That is another post for another day really.

Overall it'll be interesting to see what this new chapter is like, more over moving with an infant. I suppose we're lucky in a way that she's not mobile. I've been taking advantage of nap times or times when my husband is playing with her to pack away some things. My goal is to do a box a day. Hoping that doing it this way will make the moving a bit easier on Anastasia and us. We're such a last minute family that I realize it really can't work that way anymore at least not when it comes to moving.

After all of that I will say that we are looking to put an offer in on a home. With the hopes of it working out we'll likely move in around August. I must say the views are simply STUNNING, 2.58 acers of land all lawn (Paul will enjoy cutting lol) and will make for such a beautiful scenery come fall (all seasons really but especially Fall.) Anastasia just seemed to be in awe from the first time we stepped in the home, which was nice to see. She was very alert and loved being out on the back deck. Here's a quick view at what could be our family home. Fingers crossed!

Front of the house - Raised Ranch Style
view from the deck. Oh the landscaping possibilities!

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