7 Months - TLC Mom

Friday, June 13, 2014

7 Months

New things your doing / Like:

You cut your first tooth as of 6/4, I have a feeling it was sometime during the night as you were crying in  your sleep from about 4 until 6. It's okay I still love you with all my heart ;). I have to admit when you cry in your sleep it is adorable. As soon as I pick you up, you go right back to sleep in my arms on my shoulder. These little things and moments I treasure. Nothing beats knowing that you feel that secure in my arms and comforted that it helps you fall back asleep.

On 6/3 you started saying "Dada" ! What a treat this was for your dad to hear. I was glowing from ear to ear. I can't believe that you're already at that stage in your life where little words will start coming from you.

Anything fabric that you can sooth on. Can't tell you how many times we've brought you home from daycare with soaked toys. But if it keeps you happy we're great with that.

Sitting up unassisted! You started doing this roughly 6 months 1 week. You were able to do this before but most of it was because you were leaning forward a lot. Your face lights up so much when you sit up. You're seeing the world from a different perspective, you love it. But you love standing more! We do this exercise with you where you lay down then pull yourself up into a sitting position but you don't stop there you then pull yourself into a standing position just using your father and I as a steady ledge so to speak.

Rolling diva! You love rolling back to belly now. Becoming a pro at it! YAY! You've worked hard to get to this point of ease with rolling and we're so proud. You don't really care to roll back to belly. But you get this huge grin on your face when you roll by yourself. It's like you can sense the accomplishments you've just made.

You Dislike:
Sun in your eyes. Sleeping- this past month you've really boycotted your good sleeping habits. Man were we spoiled then. Now you just seem to not really want to sleep as well at night. Hoping this is just because of the teething :)

We traveled to Boston. There you enjoyed all the sights that the Boston Aquarium had to offer, and the Boston Harbor. You got to experience so much in such a short time. I think you loved the turtles the most. Your Aunt Erika and Uncle Orrin were so happy to have you visit them. I know this was just as special to them as it was for us.

We went to the Syracuse to see the Pediatric Surgeon.

Trip to the zoo. Your second trip to the zoo was a lot of fun. This time it was for the fertility clinic who helped us in conceiving you, CNY Fertility (Syracuse). I would really like to do this every year as they've given us something truly something special, you. I always want to know where you came from and I'm never ashamed to talk and tell you about our journey to finally meeting you.

Misc Thoughts:
This last month you've met so many big big milestones. I didn't think they'd happen all at once or this quickly. You're such a special young girl. Love you!
5 months vs 7 months

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