Baptism - TLC Mom

Monday, June 30, 2014


A few weeks ago Anastasia was baptized. While I'm not of faith I still found this day to be special. It was another event that showed my little girl is growing up.

We bought this beautiful dress, perhaps to frou frou for others tastes but we loved it. I worried because of it's heavy satin fabric that she'd get hot, but the day turned out to be unusually cold so it worked out perfectly.

She was in awe with the priest and did such a wonderful job. Laughed, smiled and watched father as he read through the baptism. Didn't cry as water was put on her head (I attribute that in large to use getting her used to water on her face during bath time) Then came the pictures and of course melt down city happened then. I supposed I'd rather that then during the ceremony. There was a few times that she got upset because mommy wouldn't let her play with the candle. Yeah sorry kiddo ;)

The after party was so beautiful. Paul's mom and dad put in so much work to make this happen. She sure is one loved little girl and it showed. Can't thank them enough for all the wonderful things they did for her. Family came and showered her in love. Overall it was truly a very beautiful day and I know for Paul it was special to him and to his faith.

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