Packing, Packing and More Packing - TLC Mom

Friday, June 27, 2014

Packing, Packing and More Packing

Packing shenanigans is way harder than I thought and not all of it is because of my daughter. Half of the time I come home and just want to sit on the couch and rest. Oye!!

I look at each room and get insanely overwhelmed. To the point that I really wish magic existed and I could bipity bopity boo the packing into gear. It is a little hard especially in the afternoons when Anastasia's witching hour begins. I'd love to put her down and get what needs to get done, done. But at that time of the day she's a bit fussy and wants that attention, and frankly after a full day of work and not seeing her I want to give it to her as well.

It was times like these that I wish I had kept up with the baby wearing so that I could wear her and get things done without her having a full on melt down.

Paul and I always have these brilliant ideas that we'll put her down for bedtime (8 - 8:30) then after she's sleeping put her in her room and pack. Yeah... because that's happened. By 8 or 9 mommy and daddy want to go to sleep just as badly. With 2 weeks left to go I'm gonna have to start saying tough luck to myself.

I look at my house and find myself saying "how did we accumulate this much crap?" Well not all of it's crap some of it's 'stuff' I suppose there's a difference. Sometimes I find myself packing things I know I should throw out but I'm on auto pilot.

Wish us luck. I hope that we don't have to do a mad dash at the end like we have with every other move (childless I might add). We just can't afford to do that this time around.

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