So as you know via previous posts
we're homeowners!
Our new HOME! |
Wow that's surreal to say and honestly I don't think it's hit us quite yet. The move itself was pretty hectic but I think the day we closed during the week played in our favor. I love our daughter to death but moving while trying to keep her happy was a hard one. So the fact that we had 2 days of moving time where she was at daycare helped IMMENSELY! We had some amazing family help and managed to move completely in 3 days time.
some of our amazing helpers stopping for din din on our new deck |
"I pick things up and put them down" |

Looking back I really really am glad this is our last move. Each house we've moved into over the years we've accumulated more and more 'stuff'. It was evident we were ready for our family home just by the sheer amount of 'stuff' we had. Also opened my eyes to how much crafting things I own! lol.
Moving with a baby isn't so bad but if you can help it and move maybe when you're pregnant or before may be a better idea lol. I wish the move would have been made when I was pregnant. I seemed to have been far less tired then lol. But then again it's amazing to share this huge family event with her and have her present to enjoy it. Knowing we're 'home' it just puts a big smile on my face.
Our Helpers <3 |
It was a joy to be able to spend this time with our family and having their help was amazing beyond words. Then Anastasia's godparents came over to help us unpack the kitchen, what a god send!! Seriously S got that kitchen into shape. Paul is more picky about where kitchen items are so it was so cute to see them go back and forth on what should go where. She steamrolled through a TON of boxes and I'm ever grateful for that!
Current state right now the house is still riddled and I mean riddled with boxes. Embarrassing unpacked boxes photos to come. We were smart and labeled everything and the room they'd go in. So on our moving days we brought the boxes to their correct room. So things aren't just piled in our living room and basement. Well the basement is pretty packed right now. It's good that we didn't have a ton of boxes in the living room as our little girl started crawling roughly 4 days after we moved.
Just a glimpse at our boxes! |
To say I'm exhausted with all things moving is a major understatement. The fact that August has allowed us no weekends free is another thing on it's own. But it is what it is, so we'll try to get stuff done during the weeks. Which is less likely given that we're both so dog tired by the time we get home at 6 start dinner, take care of the pets and Anastasia, put her down for the night around 9, eat cold dinner and shortly there after feel the weight of your eyelids. We'll figure it out though just a new routine for us.
I am motivated to clean up though because, after cleaning up comes decorating!! Epp. I already have some plans in mind. Bathroom decor first then living room (fabric is on it's way ;) hahaha)
Crawling GIF! |
So overall everything has gone very smoothly. Our closing went well and the previous owners left some furniture and odds and sods for us. We're adjusting to life as homeowners and our overall new situation. I love where we live, how we're close to a town we absolutely adore. The thing I love about the town most is they have a market every Saturday. Nothing beats (to me) buying locally and having fresh produce like that. Supporting your community while being able to enjoy some delicious food and can't forget the beautiful bouquets of flowers. Life is good, vies phenomenal and I truly believe getting this house was fate. After we adjust and make this house our home I think our anxiety will slowly fade away with regards to being in 'moving mode'.
The view from our Deck <3 Gorgeous! |
Hope you all are doing well!
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