I can't believe I didn't update you all on Anastasia's Bump. I'm so sorry for that!
We have an official Diagnosis. It's not a lipoma rather a Hemangioma. From what I've read it's the best possible thing at this point. So great news!
Anastasia was such a good girl and gave all the doctors smiles.
Here's the long run down. Of how everything went. We first saw the Pediatric surgeon. He felt her head an immediately said he didn't feel it was a Lipoma. Kinda glad someone else agreed who was a medical profession. After having his colleague look at her bump he felt it was best if he had us go down to radiology and get another ultrasound done. I have to say, it was a much better experience in comparison to our first ultrasound. We were smart and held off on her bottle that we were going to give it to her after the initial appointment. She was much calmer having her bottle while they were using the ultrasound wand on her head and they were able to overall get better shots.
I'm still very foggy on the specifics, I was told to Google it as he didn't have a sheet on hand (the doctor wasn't supposed to even tell us then and there so we were grateful). but it's much better than I could have hoped for. As the pediatric surgeon put us on alert letting us know it could be cancer or a much better scenario a dermoid cyst. (He was a very good doctor but wanted to let us know each scenario) He wasn't convinced it was a lipoma on feel alone. I can't tell you how many doctors appreciated the photo comparison I had. It gave them the best idea of growth and also color (since her hair has gotten longer the bump itself is a tad harder to see. So advice to anyone questioning something in their child take photos lol.
During the ultrasound the tech left to give the u/s photos to the doc and see if she got everything. We were told we'd likely not hear anything for 24 hours. So it was a bit of a surprise when the tech returned with 3 doctors in tow. I was scared shitless as I held Anastasia on the hospital bed. Being questioned about when we first noticed it etc. Then he told me what his diagnosis was. Still not knowing if I could breath he explained that it was a bunch of blood vessels balling up (where a lipoma is a fatty tissue tumor) He told me to Google it and read up on it. But not to worry, that it wasn't cancer and that in most cases it grew then shrunk. I imagine removal is far more complicated given that is all vascular. This was so kind of the doctor to come and tell me instead of us waiting until the next day for the results.
A few days later our pediatric surgeon called and confirmed the initial ultrasound diagnosis of a Hemangioma. We were instructed to make another appointment in 3 to 6 months but that right now we weren't going to remove. If in 3 months there was still growth or any growth at all we are to call back in. So for now I'm keeping an eye on things. If it's still growing they'll look to do a removal. Removal of something like this requires a laser procedure which calms me a bit because it's less invasive. Thoughts and prayers that this just goes away on it's own.
More updates to come after our next appointment September 11th.
Since our visit with the Pediatric surgeon we've found another bump on her neck. Our pediatrician is asking that we mention this at her next appointment and feels the two are related. I'm ready for my daughter to be done with these 'bumps'. The other bump is on her neck and it looks like it's either under or on her neck vein. In truth we knew about it before but didn't think anything of it until we were at her 9 month check up with her new Pediatrician and I just thought I'd make mention of it. So in September we'll hopefully hear that this is also a hemangioma but it may be more of a problem if it grows and or interferes with her breathing.
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Thursday, August 28, 2014
Lipoma Update #3 - From a lipoma to a hemangioma
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